A mini-movie of Grace

I’m back. Thanks for your patience.

In a recent time of prayer and quietness with the Lord, I was drawn to pray about my own integrity, as well as the character and integrity of those around me, such as my family and those I have partnered with in ministry. And as I prayed in that direction, the Lord gave me a picture of what seemed to be a crime scene investigator and his partner digging for clues relating to a crime. It was a dark, wet night, and this man wore a trench coat and hat. As I looked closer at this movie playing in my mind, I realized that the investigator was actually digging for inconsistencies in the personal testimonies in the lives of Christians, to expose them to the world. A closer look still, and I realized that it was actually my life that he was digging up, trying to expose my inner-most thoughts, intentions, motivations, and actions. As he continued to dig further to expose these areas, my heart began to race with anxiety, knowing that what he uncovered would be “out there” for all to see. How embarrassing and humiliating this was going to be when he successfully uncovered what I had successfully hidden for all these years. Continuing to observe him, I noticed him becoming increasingly frustrated with his dig, until finally he threw his shovel to the ground, looked over to his boss, and said…”Sorry Chief, there’s nothing here but Jesus.”

As God brought this mini-motion picture to a close, I was humbled at God’s amazing grace, and was so incredibly grateful, knowing that as the devil attempts to destroy us, that we have such a loving heavenly Father who protects us and keeps us. God, through His Son Jesus, has removed the old, and has made us new creations in Him (2 Cor. 5:17)

Hebrews 11:6 says that He rewards those who earnestly seek him. Earnestly means with a pure heart. I’m so glad that the love of God, through Jesus, found me and has forgiven my past, and set my present and future on a solid path lighted by his holy Word.


~ by Brian on June 9, 2008.

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